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on workplace culture, NDIS and marketing
Fran Connelley
Aug 31, 20222 min read
Building TRUST in Governance.
First up, I know that not everyone will agree with the following comments – but I feel they need to be said. Also, I want to acknowledge...

Fran Connelley
Jul 27, 20223 min read
The Team Leader Role: Making it Work!
I recently caught up with a client, the CEO of a $30 million rapidly growing disability service. It had been 12 months since I’d...

Fran Connelley
Jun 22, 20223 min read
Bridging the Cultural Divide
I was recently invited to have lunch in southern Sydney with the CEO of a small disability organisation. There were two issues in...

Fran Connelley
Jun 7, 20222 min read
Three Things I’ve Learned from my Art
I’ve never shared this before. In fact, for some reason I’ve always hidden the fact that I’m an artist. As a reformed workaholic, if...
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